Self-propelled elastic
shells capable of transducing energy to
rolling motion could have potential applications as drug delivery
vehicles. To understand the dynamics of the nanoscale size elastic
shells, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of shells filled
with a mixture of active and passive beads placed in contact with
an elastic substrate. The shell skin is made of cross-linked polymer
chains. The energy transduction from active beads to elastic shell
results in stationary, steady rolling, and accelerating states depending
on the strength of the shell–substrate adhesion and the magnitude
of a force applied to the active beads. In the stationary state, the
torque produced by a friction (rolling resistance) force in the contact
area balances that due to the external force generated by the active
beads, and the shell sticks to the substrate. In the steady rolling
state, a rolling friction force balances the driving force, and the
shell maintains a constant rolling velocity. The scaling relationship
between the magnitude of the driving force and the shell velocity
reflects a viscoelastic nature of the shell skin deformation dynamics.
In the accelerating state, the energy supplied to a system by active
beads exceeds the energy dissipation due to viscoelastic shell deformation
in the contact area. Furthermore, the contact area of the shell with
a substrate decreases with increasing shell instantaneous velocity.