We present criteria to detect the depth of entanglement in macroscopic ensembles of spin-j particles using the variance and second moments of the collective spin components. The class of states detected goes beyond traditional spin-squeezed states by including Dicke states and other unpolarized states. The criteria derived are easy to evaluate numerically even for systems of very many particles and outperform past approaches, especially in practical situations where noise is present. We also derive analytic lower bounds based on the linearization of our criteria, which make it possible to define spinsqueezing parameters for Dicke states. In addition, we obtain spin squeezing parameters also from the condition derived in (Sørensen and Mølmer 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 4431). We also extend our results to systems with fluctuating number of particles. consider a subgroup of k N particles and define its total spin asWe also need to define a function F J via a minimization over quantum states of such a group aswhere L l are the spin components of the group. In practice, the minimum will be the same if we carry out the minimization over states of a single particle with a spin J [19]. Then, for all pure states with an entanglement depth of at most kholds. It is easy to see that (4) is valid even for mixed states with an entanglement depth of at most k since the variance is concave in the state and F J (X) is convex 5 . Thus, every state that violates (4) must have a depth of entanglement of ( ) + k 1 or larger. It is important to stress that the criterion (4) provides a tight lower bound on ( ) DJ x 2 based on á ñ J .z Spin squeezing has been demonstrated in many experiments, from cold atoms [7, 20-26] to trapped ions [27], magnetic systems [28] and photons [29], and in many of these experiments even multipartite entanglement has been detected using the condition (4) [7,[23][24][25][26]29].Recently, the concept of spin squeezing has been extended to unpolarized states [30][31][32][33][34]. In particular, Dicke states are attracting increasing attention, since their multipartite entanglement is robust against particle loss, and they can be used for high precision quantum metrology [8]. Dicke states are produced in experiments with photons [35,36] and Bose-Einstein condensates [8,37,38]. Suitable criteria to detect the depth of entanglement of Dicke states have also been derived. However, either they are limited to spin-1/2 particles [8,39] or they do not give a tight lower bound on ( ) DJ x 2 based on the expectation value measured for the criterion, concretely,with F J (X) defined as in equation (3) and J = kj as in (2). Our approach is motivated by the fact that equation (4) fails to be a good criterion for mixed states with a low polarization á ñ + á ñ J J N j y z 2 2 22 . Thus, we consider the second moments á + ñ J J y z 2 2 instead, which are still large for many useful unpolarized quantum states, such as Dicke states. Using the second moments is advantageous even for states with a large spin polarization since c...