Abstract. The processes of topology and shape optimization are well known methods in the field of fluid mechanics. Although successful in their own rights, it is conceivable that the two methods will find choicest solutions in tandem: i.e. if shape optimization were able to improve a topological solution. Conjoining the two methods in this manner is not straightforward, however, since there is no existing process to connect one to the other. Toward this goal, a novel transitional process is proposed to process level set topology solutions obtained using the continuous adjoint method such that a shape optimization loop using the continuous adjoint can be initialized, run and ultimately produce a refined, parameterized solution. First, the topology optimization process is enhanced using the level set method to both maintain an explicit description of the interface between the solid and fluid topological domains and prevent the formation of fluid or solid islands which would not be viable for manufacturing. The interface is then fitted with Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) through application of sensitivities garnered from the solution of an auxiliary optimization problem which aims at reducing the difference between the signed distance fields generated about each NURBS curve and its corresponding interface section. A body-fitted mesh is generated for the geometry defined by the fitted NURBS, allowing a shape optimization loop to be initiated. The parameterized result of the topology to shape transition process will be compared to that of shape optimization in two 2D cases with internal, incompressible fluid flows.