We present a systematic study on the admittance characterization of surface trap states in unpassivated and SiN x -passivated Al 0.83 In 0.17 N/AlN/GaN heterostructures. C-V and G/x-V measurements were carried out in the frequency range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz, and an equivalent circuit model was used to analyze the experimental data. A detailed analysis of the frequency-dependent capacitance and conductance data was performed, assuming models in which traps are located at the metal-AlInN surface. The density (D t ) and time constant (s t ) of the surface trap states have been determined as a function of energy separation from the conduction-band edge (E c À E t ). The D st and s st values of the surface trap states for the unpassivated samples were found to be D st ffi ð4 À 13Þ Â 10 12 eV À1 cm À2 and s st % 3 ls to 7 ls, respectively. For the passivated sample, D st decreased to 1:5 Â 10 12 eV À1 cm À2 and s st to 1.8 ls to 2 ls. The density of surface trap states in Al 0.83 In 0.17 N/AlN/GaN heterostructures decreased by approximately one order of magnitude with SiN x passivation, indicating that the SiN x insulator layer between the metal contact and the surface of the Al 0.83 In 0.17 N layer can passivate surface states.