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TITLE AND SUBTITLEEvaluation of Novel Agents which Target Neovasculature of Breast Tumors
AUTHOR(S)Michael Rosenblum, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)The unique fusion toxin VEGFiji/rGel can specifically kill both log-phase and confluent vascular endothelial cells expressing the KDR receptor for VEGF (PNAS 99:7866,2002). We have discovered 19 unique genes upregulated{>5 fold) in endothelial cells treated with VEGFi2i/rGel(confirmed by Western and RT-PCR).VEGFi2i/rGel(i.v.) treatment had a dramatic cytotoxic effect in both orthotopic and metastatic human breast tumor models. Against the orthotopic model, tumor growth was signi'ficantly delayed by~50%. In addition, tumors completely regressed in 3/6 (50%) of treated mice. In the metastatic breast model, treatment with VEGFiji/rGel reduced both the number and area of lung foci by 58% and 50% respectively and we demonstrated VEGFi2i/rGel(by IHC) on lung tumor vasculature but not normal vasculature. In addition, the number of blood vessels per mm^ in metastatic foci was 198+ 37 versus 388-1-21 for treated and control respectively. Approximately 62% of metastatic colonies from the VEGF/rGel treated group had <10 vessels/colony compared to 23% in the control group. The fll<-l receptor on blood vessel endothelium was intensely expressed on control tumors, but not expressed on treated tumors. Metastatic foci had a 3 fold lower Ki-67 labeling index compared to control tumors. This suggests that VEGFi2i/rGel has impressive antitumor activity in breast cancer.
Reportable Outcomes 16Conclusions 17
References 18Appendices 22
Evaluation of Novel Agents Which Target Neovasculature of Breast Tumors IntroductionBiological studies examining the development of the vascular tree in normal development and in disease states have identified numerous cytokines and their receptors responsible for triggering and maintaining this process (1-7). Tumor neovascularization is central not only to the growth and development of the primary lesion but appears to be a critical factor in the development and maintenance of metastases (8)(9)(10)(11)(12). Clinical studies in bladder cancer (9) have demonstrated a correlation between micro-vessel density and metastases. In addition, studies of breast cancer metastases by have demonstrated that microvessel coimt in primary tumors appears to be related to the presenc...