The adsorption and hydrogenation
behaviors of hydrogen cyanide
to methane and ammonia formation by W(111) catalyst were systematically
investigated using the density functional theory method. Based on
our calculated consequences, it is found that the WHCN(T,T-μ2-C,N) is calculated to be the most stable conformer, possessing
an adsorption energy of −49.8 kcal/mol, among all calculated
structures of HCN/W(111) system. To comprehend the electronic property
of its interaction between the adsorbate and substrate, we calculated
the electron localization functions, local density of states, and
Bader charges; our results were consistent and explicable. Reaction
paths in all possible mechanisms were explored in detail, involving
the hydrogenation on different orientations of each adsorbate and
the scission of the carbon–nitrogen bond. Before forming an
imine intermediate (H2CNH(a)), two adsorbed
hydrogen atoms will sequentially react with the nitrogen and then
carbon atoms in the first and second hydrogenation steps, and the
corresponding activation barriers are calculated to be 37.4 and 16.3
kcal/mol, respectively. After yielding an imine intermediate (H2CNH(a)), however, the breaking of carbon–nitrogen
bond is likely to proceed at this stage with a pertinent barrier height
of 27.5 kcal/mol, forming CH2(a) + NH(a). At
elevated temperatures, these resulted adsorbates could be desorbed
by further consecutive hydrogenations to generate the final products
of methane and ammonia. Our findings provide atomistic-level insight
into the novel pathway for surface-assisted synthesis of methane and
ammonia via facile hydrogenation reaction of HCN.