The mixed adsorbed film of 1H,1H-perfluorooctanol (DFC8OH) and 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanol
(TFC10OH) at the hexane/water interface was studied on the basis of interfacial tension measurement and its
thermodynamic data analysis. An adsorbed film at any composition of the mixed system as well as those of
pure DFC8OH and TFC10OH systems exhibits three states: the gaseous, expanded, and condensed states.
Construction of the phase diagram of adsorption clarified that DFC8OH and TFC10OH mix almost ideally in
the gaseous and expanded states. On the contrary, the excess Gibbs energy of adsorption g
H,E value evaluated
in the condensed state was positive. These results are explained by considering the following two factors:
(1) The mixing of binary alcohols is accompanied by the loss of dispersion interaction energy due to the
difference in extent of fluorination of hydrophobic chains and in their chain length and increases the g
value. (2) Since the interchange energy concerning the interaction between dipoles with different dipole
moments is negative, the mixing of these alcohols reduces the repulsive force between hydrophilic groups
and thus leads to a decrease in the g
H,E value. In the gaseous and expanded states, both of above two factors
are not effective. On the other hand, the positive g
H,E value in the condensed state is attributable to more
effective dispersion interaction than the dipole−dipole interaction in short molecular distance, and so factor
1 becomes dominant. Comparison of the g
H,E value of the present system with that of the homologous
TFC10OH−TFC12OH mixture leads us to a conclusion that the hydrogenation on β-carbons in hydrophobic
chains affects appreciably the balance of interactions between hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups which
governs the mixing of molecules in adsorbed films.