halide perovskites have gained attention as an active material
in solid-state dye-sensitized photovoltaics due to their high absorption
of visible light and long charge-transport lengths. In perovskite-based
dye-sensitized photovoltaic architectures the perovskite material
is typically paired with a hole-transport material, such as spiro-OMeTAD,
which extracts a hole from the photoexcited perovskite to generate
free charge carriers. In this study, we explored two competing charge-transfer
pathways at the interface between lead halide perovskite and spiro-OMeTAD:
“through-bond” and “through-space”. For
the through-bond pathway we use a segment of spiro-OMeTAD that contains
methoxy linker groups, which will be referred to as “dye with
methoxy linker groups” (DML). For the through-space pathway
we use a segment of spiro-OMeTAD with removed linker groups, triphenylamine,
which will be referred to as “dye”. Four atomistic models
were studied: (I) a periodic cesium lead iodide (CsPbI3) perovskite nanowire (NW) that is paired with the dye molecule,
(II) a periodic CsPbI3 perovskite NW paired with the DML
molecule where the linker groups form coordination bond to the surface
of the nanowire, (III) a CsPbI3 perovskite thin film (TF)
paired with the dye molecule, and (IV) a CsPbI3 perovskite
TF paired with the DML molecule. Charge-transfer dynamics, providing
rates of electron/hole relaxation and relaxation pathways, are calculated
using reduced density matrix formalism using Redfield theory. It was
found that the terminal surface of the perovskite (Pb–I vs
Cs–I) has important implications for energetic alignment at
the perovskite–dye interface due to band bending. Computed
charge-transfer rates match well with upper and lower bounds of reported
experimental results where “fast” picosecond rates correspond
to through-bond pathway and “slow” nanosecond rates
correspond to through-space.