The investigation aimed at improving the palm oil ß-carotene adsorption capacity of smectite clay. With mixtures of Fe (II) / clay mass percentage of 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 %, the beaching capacity of clay increased from 41 % to 45.2, 52.5, and 56.7% respectively. The optimum processing parameters applied were 90 °C for temperature, 0.04 for adsorbent/oil mass ratio, and 60 min for contact time. The suggested mechanism indicated that the fixation of β-carotene onto Clay-Fe(II) sites was controlled by weak Van der Waals bonds with a rate constant of 0.0048 m g-1.min indicating the higher speed of interactions compared to that of raw clay (0.0040 m g-1), that turns out as a benefit to the easy recyclability of the adsorbent. For both adsorbents, Clay-Fe (II) and raw clay, the intra-particle diffusion kinetic model best fit with R2 values of 0.9721 and 0.9743 respectively.