“…The mechanism of action, metabolism, and neuromuscular effects of organophosphates have been thoroughly investigated (Matsumura, 1975). Dietary exposure to organophosphates has been demonstrated to reduce food consumption, body weight, egg production, fertility, and hatchability in the chicken (Gallus domesticus), partridge (Alectoris graecd), pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), and quail (Colinus virginianus and Coturnix coturnix japónica) in a dose-dependent manner (Ross & Sherman, 1960; Shellenberger, Newell, Adams & Barbaccia, 1966;Stromborg, 1977;Schom, Abbott & Walker, 1979). Some of the endocrinological plasma corticosterone rhythms (Szot & Murphy, 1971;Civen, Brown & Morin, 1977), and the inhibition of steroidogenesis (Civen et al, 1977) and hepatic steroid metabolism (Conney, Welch, Kuntzman & Burns, 1967).…”