Fusion of a mammalian sperm cell with an oocyte will lead to the formation of a new organism. As this new organism develops, the cells that construct the organism gradually lose developmental competence and become differentiated, a process which is in part mediated via epigenetic modifications. These mechanisms include DNA methylation, histone tail modifications and association with Polycomb and Trithorax proteins. Several cells within the organism must however maintain or regain developmental competence while they are highly specialized. These are the primordial germ cells that form the gametes; the oocytes and sperm cells. In this review different epigenetic modifying mechanisms will be discussed as they occur in developing embryos. In addition, aspects of nuclear reprogramming that are likely to occur via removal of epigenetic modifications are important, and several epigenetic removal mechanisms are indeed also active in developing germ cells.In vivo, a pluripotent cell has the capacity to form gametes, but in vitro terminal gametogenesis has proven to be difficult. Although development of pluripotent cells to cells with the characteristics of early germ cells has been unequivocally demonstrated, creating the correct culture milieu that enables further maturation of these cells has as yet been futile.
Keywords:Embryo, primordial germ cell, epigenetics, pluripotency, ES cell, methylation.
CELLULAR POTENCYAfter an oocyte has fused with a sperm cell, a new organism will be formed. During the development of this organism, the cells that construct the embryo will gradually lose developmental potential and gain more specialized functions. In this respect, differentiation equals a loss in cellular potency. One group of cells however has to maintain the capacity to form a new organism. This group encompasses the primordial germ cells (PGCs) that will give rise to the gametes later in development. Germ cells are unique cells since they are responsible for the continuity of genetic information across generations. They therefore have to maintain a certain level of cellular potency. In vertebrates, PGCs belong to the first embryonic lineage to be segregated, long before the gonads are recognizable. This specification event occurs outside the embryo at the border between the extraembryonic and embryonic region so that the PGCs can escape differentiation signals. Thereafter, the PGCs follow a complex migratory pattern to finally colonize the gonads [1].Once in the gonads, male PGCs enter mitotic arrest (prespermatogonia cells) whereas female PGCs enter meiosis (oogonia). In males, the pre-spermatogonia cells start proliferating only after birth and give rise to spermatogonia which either self-renew or differentiate to cells that enter meiosis forming haploid sperm cells. Spermatogonia are therefore considered an adult stem cell population. The oogonia, on the other hand, undergo meiosis synchronously during embryonic development and arrest in the diplotene stage at birth. After puberty, oocytes periodically matu...