This paper investigates hybrid immediate reservation (IR) and advance reservation (AR) service provisioning in elastic optical networks (EONs), with the objective to minimize IR/AR service conflicts. We design algorithms to coordinate service provisioning of IR and AR requests. Specifically, both proactive and reactive IR provisioning schemes are considered to minimize IR service failures. Our AR scheduling algorithm can coordinate AR service provisioning with various IR traffic patterns, balance spectrum utilization in both time and spectral domains, and reduce IR/AR service conflicts. Simulation results verify that our proposed IR + AR schemes can significantly reduce IR service failures as well as routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) reconfigurations in IR service provisioning. Moreover, the results indicate that the proposed IR + AR schemes can achieve more performance gain from AR flexibility when compared with two existing benchmarks.AR requests in an EON, where spectrum resources are fully shared among IR and AR requests. Specifically, we consider a dynamic EON, in which the IR requests' service durations are unknown while the AR ones use the specific start time and specific duration (STSD) reservation model [6]. For the STSD model, we consider both the STSD-fixed and STSD-flexible cases. The STSD-fixed case means that the service start time of an AR request is fixed in the future, while STSD-flexible reservation allows the service start time of an AR request to slide within a pre-defined time window. Regarding the relation between IR and AR requests, we assume that the AR ones possess higher priority, which means that, whenever a service conflict occurs, an in-service IR request has to compromise to the AR request which shares resources with it. Based on this model, we design both proactive and reactive IR provisioning algorithms to minimize IR service failures (i.e., including both service blocking and interruption), and also propose an AR scheduling algorithm that considers different IR traffic patterns to coordinate AR provisioning, to balance resource utilization in both time and spectral domains, and to eventually relieve IR/AR service conflicts in the EON.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews related work. In Section III, we describe the network model and define the problem of hybrid IR/AR service provisioning in an EON. To minimize IR/AR service conflicts, novel provisioning algorithms are proposed in Section IV. Section V discusses the simulations for performance evaluation. Finally, we summarize the paper in Section VI. 0733-8724 (c)