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DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unlimited. PAO Case Number: 88ABW 2010-1316 Clearance Date: 19 March 2010. This report contains color.
ABSTRACTIn this report, an effort to demonstrate a highly efficient millimeter-wave (mmW) modulated optical source is summarized. This is achieved using an integrated heterodyne optical phase-locked loop (OPLL) built from monolithically integrated photonic and electronic circuits (ICs). The close integration of these ICs enables low feedback latency so that relatively wide linewidth semiconductor lasers can be used. This demonstration is a key step toward realizing compact practical OPLL mmW sources incorporating data modulation. The heterodyne frequency is ultimately limited by photodetector bandwidths, and the data rate is limited by the heterodyne frequency. It will be shown that the overall performance of the heterodyne OPLL is sufficient to demonstrate the feasibility of and a direct path towards multilevel modulation at 100Gbps data rates of a mmW carrier frequency in the 100GHz to 300GHz range. This successful demonstration of the OPLL heterodyne source is a critical demonstration required to allow electronic and photonic components, now developed for advanced future fiber optic communications systems, to be directly adopted for high capacity optical feeds to enable 100Gbps wireless links.
SUBJECT TERMSOptical Phase-Locked Loop (OPLL), Integrated Circuits (IC), Millimeter Waves (mmW), Terahertz (THz)
SUMMARYIn t his r eport a n ew s eedling ef fort to d emonstrate a h ighly e fficient millime ter-wave ( MMW) modulated optical source is summarized. This is achieved using an integrated heterodyne optical phase-lock loop (OPLL) built from monolithically integrated photonic and electronic ICs. T he close integration of t hese ICs enables low f eedback la tency s o th at r elatively w ide lin ewidth semiconductor lasers can be used. This demonstration is key to show a direct path to compact practical O PLL m...