Radiography consists of methods aimed at providing a nondestructive mean of imaging internal structures and composition of matter by recording the transmitted intensity of a beam of radiation. The enormous popularity of X-ray imaging in medicine has driven an effort in X-ray radiography aimed at standardizing and regulating the acquisition of X-ray radiographs and quantifying image quality across different X-ray platforms. However, a similar discussion has not been observed in neutron radiography (NR), a type of imaging technique that uses neutrons as a source of radiation. Currently, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is solely used to measure the quality of NR systems. However, MTF is a measure of contrast only and does not account for noise.The purpose of this research was to take additional metrics including the Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) and the Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) that are commonly used in X-ray imaging, apply them to NR, and evaluate the impact of noise. An imaging system was developed using a low-cost digital camera, modified with open source software to enhance imaging capabilities. The system allowed capturing images of a neutron beam produced by the OSU Research Reactor at various exposure times. The produced images were analyzed with the help of MATLAB to establish MTF, NPS, and DQE measurements. The results confirmed the initial hypothesis by showing that although a system may have very high contrast, it may suffer from noise, which iii deteriorates the system's ability to detect fine details. The results and discussion presented here have been published in a journal in hope to inform the NR community of the nuisances associated with noise and suggest that NPS and DQE are used to complement MTF in an attempt to describe the quality of neutron imaging devices.iv Acknowledgments