Objective: Stress Echocardiography (Echo) and Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy (MPS) are effective methods for identification of myocardial ischemia. Aim of this study was to compare adenosine stress MPS and Echo results with gold standard angiography.
Methods:Twenty nine patients (18 F, 11 M; mean: 49, 62 ± 10, 9; 45, 5-53, 8-years-old) with suspicion of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) were included into the study. After performance of basal Echo examination, adenosine infusion was started (140 µgr/kg/dk) and at the third minute after starting the infusion, intravenous Tc-99m MIBI injection was performed and stress Echo findings were recorded at the 10 th minute. Stress and rest imaging were performed at the same day. Stress Echo was performed by an experienced cardiologist and MPS results were interpreted by an experienced nuclear medicine physician who didn't know stress Echo results according to 17 segment models. Sixteen patients underwent coronary angiography. Ischemia territory size in both the adenosine stress Echo and MPS were recorded and compared in segment and in patient basis.Results: There were 34 ischemic segments in MPS and 46 in stress Echo among 493 segments of 29 patients. Both MPS and stress Echo pointed the same ischemic segments in 9 patients and tests were in agreement in 24 patients. Angiography confirmed two tests results in 13/16 patients. Three patients with severe ischemia in the MPS and stress Echo had slow flow pattern in the angiography.
Conclusion:The results of both MPS and stress Echo with same adenosine infusion was in agreement especially in patients with angiography results. These findings can encourage simultaneous studies with same stress agent infusion.