Analytical methods allow for the structure determination
of submilligram
quantities of complex secondary metabolites. This has been driven
in large part by advances in NMR spectroscopic capabilities, including
access to high-field magnets equipped with cryogenic probes. Experimental
NMR spectroscopy may now be complemented by remarkably accurate carbon-13
NMR calculations using state-of-the-art DFT software packages. Additionally,
microED analysis stands to have a profound effect on structure elucidation
by providing X-ray-like images of microcrystalline samples of analytes.
Nonetheless, lingering pitfalls in structure elucidation remain, particularly
for isolates that are unstable or highly oxidized. In this Account,
we discuss three projects from our laboratory that highlight nonoverlapping
challenges to the field, with implications for chemical, synthetic,
and mechanism of action studies. We first discuss the lomaiviticins,
complex unsaturated polyketide natural products disclosed in 2001.
The original structures were derived from NMR, HRMS, UV–vis,
and IR analysis. Owing to the synthetic challenges presented by their
structures and the absence of X-ray crystallographic data, the structure
assignments remained untested for nearly two decades. In 2021, the
Nelson group at Caltech carried out microED analysis of (−)-lomaiviticin
C, leading to the startling discovery that the original structure
assignment of the lomaiviticins was incorrect. Acquisition of higher-field
(800 MHz 1H, cold probe) NMR data as well as DFT calculations
provided insights into the basis for the original misassignment and
lent further support to the new structure identified by microED. Reanalysis
of the 2001 data set reveals that the two structure assignments are
nearly indistinguishable, underscoring the limitations of NMR-based
characterization. We then discuss the structure elucidation of colibactin,
a complex, nonisolable microbiome metabolite implicated in colorectal
cancer. The colibactin biosynthetic gene cluster was detected in 2006,
but owing to colibactin’s instability and low levels of production,
it could not be isolated or characterized. We used a combination of
chemical synthesis, mechanism of action studies, and biosynthetic
analysis to identify the substructures in colibactin. These studies,
coupled with isotope labeling and tandem MS analysis of colibactin-derived
DNA interstrand cross-links, ultimately led to a structure assignment
for the metabolite. We then discuss the ocimicides, plant secondary
metabolites that were studied as agents against drug-resistant P. falciparum. We synthesized the core structure of the
ocimicides and found significant discrepancies between our experimental
NMR spectroscopic data and that reported for the natural products.
We determined the theoretical carbon-13 NMR shifts for 32 diastereomers
of the ocimicides. These studies indicated that a revision of the
connectivity of the metabolites is likely needed. We end with some
thoughts on the frontiers of secondary metabolite structure...