Our work is concerned with monitoring and periodic evaluation of students' skills acquired during their university education. The objective of our work is to provide software tools for supporting and mentoring students in order to improve their quality of life. We suggest a computing device "ISIFePortfolio" which not only allows monitoring of learners, but also plays the role of an ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) skills, and a social networking combined systems. This tool includes a broad range of collaborative working solutions and the ePortfolio is considered an extension of the "paper" records of a student as an individual digital space available on the Internet in such a secure and personalized way, collecting personal resources, experiences, studies, acquired skills, relationships with trainers, working groups, classmates and that will be saved throughout the training course. Based on Mahara technology, "ISIFePortfolio" is an application implemented by ORDIPU team at the University Hassan II Mohammedia -Casablanca. It has been integrated into the platform of distance education "Education Master ISIF" for the master "Engineering Information Systems and Training."