“…Adversarial patch [37] VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, InceptionV3, Xception ImageNet Yes LaVAN [30] InceptionV3 [78] ImageNet No QP patch [62], [63] InceptionV3 [78] ImageNet [79] No PS-GAN a [54] VGG16, ResNet34, VY [80], and their variants ImageNet [81], GTSRB [82] Yes Local patch via DIP b [64] VGG19, InceptionV3 ImageNet [81] No DiAP [60] VGG16, VGG19 [83], ResNet50 [84], InceptionV3 [78], Xception [ YOLOv2 [87], Faster R-CNN [69] Seld-made data (indoors and outdoors) Yes Physical patch +PGD e [70] YOLOv3 [89] MS COCO 2014 [90] Yes Patch against person detectors [56] YOLOv2 [87] INRIA [91] e Yes DPAttack [71] YOLOv4 [92], Faster R-CNN [69] Alibaba f No RPAttack [72] YOLOv4 [92], Faster R-CNN [93] Alibaba f , Pascal VOC 2007 [94] No Patch against aerial detection [57] YOLOv2 DOTA [95] No Patch-Noobj [61] YOLOv3 [89], YOLOv5 [96], Faster R-CNN [69] DOTA [95], NWPU VHR-10 [97], RSOD [98] No g…”