Induction of biosynthesis of the photosystem in anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria occurs when the oxygen concentration drops. Control of this induction takes place primarily at the transcriptional level, with photosynthesis genes expressed preferentially under anaerobic conditions. Here, we report analysis of the transcriptional control of two photosynthesis promoters, pucBA and crtI, by the PpsR factor in Rubrivivax gelatinosus. This was accomplished by analyzing the photosystem production in the wild type and in the PPSRK (ppsR::Km) mutant grown under anaerobic and semiaerobic conditions and by assessing the -galactosidase activity of lacZ transcriptionally fused to promoters possessing the putative PpsR-binding consensus sequences. It was found that under semiaerobic conditions, inactivation of the ppsR gene resulted in overproduction of carotenoid and bacteriochlorophyll pigments, while the production of LH2 was drastically reduced. The -galactosidase activity showed that, in contrast to what has been found previously for Rhodobacter species, PpsR acts in R. gelatinosus as an aerobic repressor of the crtI gene while it acts as an activator for the expression of pucBA.