The inertial-range properties of quasi-stationary hydrodynamic turbulence under solid-body rotation are studied via high-resolution direct numerical simulations. For strong rotation the nonlinear energy cascade exhibits depletion and a pronounced anisotropy with the energy flux proceeding mainly perpendicularly to the rotation axis. This corresponds to a transition towards a quasi-twodimensional flow similar to a linear Taylor-Proudman state. In contrast to the energy spectrum along the rotation axis which does not scale self-similarly, the perpendicular spectrum displays an inertial range with k −2 ⊥ -behavior. A new phenomenology gives a rationale for the observations. The scaling exponents ζp of structure functions up to order p = 8 measured perpendicular to the rotation axis indicate reduced intermittency with increasing rotation rate. The proposed phenomenology is consistent with the inferred asymptotic non-intermittent behavior ζp = p/2.The inherent properties of turbulence in a rotating reference frame are important for, e.g., the dynamics of atmosphere and oceans, liquid planetary cores, and engineering problems. The nonlinear spectral transfer of energy by the direct turbulent cascade and the associated energy spectrum are particularly interesting due to their direct connection to the dynamical processes governing rotating turbulence. Most of the available experimental data [1,2,3,4,5] yields no conclusive information on the expected self-similar scaling of the energy spectrum in the inertial range of scales and its dependence on the rotation frequency Ω. Although recent experiments [6,7,8] have shed some light on these issues, the scaling of two-point statistics in rotating turbulence remains a controversial topic.Direct numerical simulations [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] and large-eddy simulations, see e.g. [17,18,19], have been carried out only at low and moderate Reynolds numbers precluding clear scaling observations. Nevertheless, most of the cited works agree in that the nonlinear spectral transfer of energy to smaller scales diminishes with growing Ω, accompanied by a transition of the flow towards a quasi-two-dimensional state perpendicular to the fixed rotation axis, Ω. The transition manifests itself in an increasing ratio of integral length scales parallel and perpendicular to Ω = Ωê 3 , defined as L i,j = L∞ 0dℓ v i (r)v i (r + ℓê j ) / v 2 i (r) , L ∞ representing the largest possible distance between two points in the simulation volume and ℓ denoting the respective space increment.This Letter presents high-resolution direct numerical simulations of incompressible rotating homogeneous turbulence driven at largest scales and proposes a phenomenology of the energy cascade which suggests a physical explanation for the observed attenuation of nonlinear spectral transfer under the influence of rotation. In addition, the model gives a rationale for the observed trend towards two-dimensionality in rapidly rotating turbulence which is corroborated by the simulations. The scaling of two-point structure fu...