“…While affect has been discussed as a valuable lens for organizational scholarship (e.g. Beyes & Steyaert, 2012, 2013; Fotaki, Kenny, & Vachhani, 2017; Jakonen, Kivinen, Salovaara, & Hirkman, 2017; Karppi, Kähkönen, Mannevuo, Pajala, & Sihvonen, 2016; Kenny, Muhr, & Olaison, 2011; Resch, Hoyer, & Steyaert, 2021), knowledge about ‘how affect emerges, travels and is transmitted between bodies’ (Fotaki et al, 2017, p. 8) is still undertheorized. In addition, the link to technology-mediated organizations and new forms of value extraction has remained largely unexplored.…”