A Christian family in a "provisional culture" Contemporary culture can be described as provisional and temporary. A provisional culture is closely bound with such ideologies as secularism, individualism, relativism, practical materialism, hedonism and consumerism. These dominant cultural paradigms threaten the Christian understanding of family, hindering its comprehensive development and its ability to fulfil its basic objectives such as mutual welfare of the spouses or giving birth to and raising offspring. A provisional culture poses a threat and a great challenge for the family. Taking into account the fact that each culture is an expression of the human spirit and an environment for building identity and interpersonal relations, a Christian family must not ignore the problems of the contemporary world, but rather undertake a dialogue with a provisional culture aimed at presenting and promoting the Christian model of family, being the first school of faith, preaching and defending a culture of life.Key words: Christian family, provisional culture, temporary culture, family's duties regarding contemporary culture.
Introduction to the subjectNo one these days needs to be reminded that we live in the era of intensive and profound civilization changes. Contemporary culture has ceased to be a conveyor of faith and Christian values, and faith itself is no longer self-evident in people's everyday lives
Pastoral theologyRev. Paweł Rabczyński perceive a removal of religious content from the tissue of culture, an omission of references to God and the supernatural, which results in obscuring the holistic image of man in favour of incomplete, fragmentary, makeshift, and therefore false conceptions. There is a certain dissonance in many places in the world between Gospel and culture 2 . Benedict XVI warns against this in his address inaugurating the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean, in which he states:This was precisely the great error of the dominant tendencies of the last century (...) Anyone who excludes God from his horizons falsifies the notion of "reality" and, in consequence, can only end up in blind alleys or with recipes for destruction. The first basic point to affirm, then, is the following: only those who recognize God know reality and are able to respond to it adequately and in a truly human manner 3 .The inspiration to undertake the subject matter outlined in the title A Christian family in a "provisional culture" is the author's belief that a family's welfare has a fundamental significance for the future of the world and the Church. Due to the fact that culture has a decisive influence on human life, its shape and preferred values, it is important to have a closer look at its contemporary determinants in order to show its impact on the family. The introductory part of this study presents the general idea of culture and family from a Christian perspective. What follows is a characterisation of a provisional culture and a family's tasks regarding this contemporary p...