Ag 1+xTlO2 (0.03 x 0.18), Novel Adaptations of the Delafossite Structure Type Featuring Subvalent Silver. -Phase-pure Ag 1+xTlO2 (x: 0.18 (I), 0.09 (II), 0.03 (III)) are prepared by reacting Ag 2O and TlNO3 or Tl2O3 in autoclaves (Au tube, 420 C, O2 pressure of 135 MPa for (I), 400 C, 200 h, 48 MPa for (II), and 200 C, 14 d for (III)). (I) crystallizes in the space group P3m1 (Z = 1) and (II) and (III) in the space group R3m (Z = 6 and 9, resp.) as determined by single crystal XRD. Different from the conventional delafossite structure, part of the Ag layers accommodate an excess of 0.18 Ag atoms per layer, thus generating a subvalent bonding state. In accordance with the structural findings, the new compounds are metallic conductors and show reduced binding energies for the Ag 3d 5/2 states compared to Ag2O. -(NUSS, J.; DIETRICH, V.; CURDA, J.; JANSEN*, M.; Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 640 (2014) 6, 1063-1068, http://dx.