Background Climate changes are changes in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer usually at least 30 years. Climate changes not only affect ecosystems but also, these changes have an impact on health, especially in vulnerable populations such as older adults. Aim of this study: to assess health risks related to climate changes among older adults. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at 4 geriatric homes and 4 clubs in the Fayoum governorate and Cairo governorate. Sample: A convenience sample was used, they were 185 older adults 60 years old and over of both sex. Tool: The tool consists of 4 parts: 1 st part, socio-demographic characteristics of older adults. 2 nd part is the health status of older adults related to climate changes. 3 rd part, older adults' knowledge regarding climate changes. 4 th part, older adults' reported practice regarding their adaption towards climate changes. Results: The study results showed that 56.8% of the total health status of older adults related to climate changes was good and 43.2% were poor, total knowledge of older adults regarding climate changes were 16.8% had good knowledge, 40.0% had moderate knowledge and 43.2% had poor knowledge. The total practice was 44.3% of older adults had inadequate practice and 55.7% had adequate practice. Conclusion: there was a highly statistical significant relation between socio-demographic characteristics and total knowledge about climate changes among older adults. There was a highly significant statistical correlation between knowledge and reported practice among older adults and there was a non-significant statistical correlation between Health status and practice among older adults. Recommendation: Provide an educational program for older adults especially with chronic diseases how to deal with climate changes.