What is the relationship of religion in general, or of specific religions, to misogyny and the oppression of women? This article discusses Western feminism and religion, with a focus on North America, examining: 1) the relationship of religion to feminism as a political movement; 2) the role of feminism in religion, especially Western traditions; and 3) contributions of feminist criticism to the academic study of religion. The relationship between feminism and religion is multifaceted. Religion is important in feminist political activism, throughout first, second and third waves. Feminist activism is mutually influential to feminist theory, which approaches questions about gender not as optional, but as imperative to any rigorous analytic perspective. Feminist criticism of religion includes both feminist theology, which focuses on reforming religious traditions to be more egalitarian, and feminist scholarship in the academic study of religion, which challenges scholars to re‐evaluate dominant models, such as the category of religion itself.