A B S T R A C T Human platelets aggregate and undergo a release reaction wvhen inetubated wvith catecholamines. Indirect evidence indicates that these events are mediated through a-adrenergic receptors. We used [3H]dihydroergocryptine, an a-adrenergic antagonist, to identify binding sites on platelets that have the characteristics of a-adrenergic receptors. Catecholamines compete for the binding sites in a stereo-specific manner with the potency series of (-) epinephrine > (-) norepinephrine > (+) phenylephrine > (-) isoproterenol. The dissociation constant (Kd) of (-) ,M. Phentolamine and dihydroergocyrptine blocked this response, whereas (±) propranolol had no effect. (-) Epinephrine and (-) norepiniephrine inhibited basal and prostaglandin El-stimulated adenylate cyclase in a dose-related manner. The conicentrationi of( -) epiinephrinie inhibiting adenvlate cyclase 50% was 0.7 ,uM. This inhibitioni was also blocked by phentolamiiine and dihydroergocryptine btut not by (±) propranolol. The specificity of binding and the close correlationi with a-adrenergic receptor-mediated biochemical and physiological responses suggest that the [3H]dihydroergocryptine binding site represents, or is closely related to, the human platelet a-adrenergic receptor. The ability to assay this receptor directly and to correlate these data with independently measured se(uelae of receptor activation should facilitate increased understandinig of the physiology and pathophysiology of the hulmlani platelet a-adrenergic receptor.