The red panda (
Ailurus fulgens
) can be found in zoos around the world, and various behavioral restraint procedures are used as part of their health care. Wild animals that
are kept in zoos, including red pandas, are known to have a longer life span than those in the wild. Therefore, the health management of aging animals is considered especially important for
zoos that maintain many precious wild animals. Blood pressure measurement is important for determining cardiovascular dynamics, however there are no reports of blood pressure measurements
performed in red pandas without anesthesia. In this study, we measured blood pressure in four red pandas, over 4 years to establish a blood pressure measurement method using behavioral
restraints. As a result, the blood pressure of red pandas was found to be similar to that of dogs and cats. In addition, in one case of red panda that evaluated high blood pressure during
the measurement period, we added the antihypertensive drug and showed good effect for improvement of hypertension on long- term monitoring. Blood pressure values obtained using noninvasive
methods were useful for red pandas. Moreover, these data were considered important for animal welfare.