This research aims to determine the potential of agricultural land in Muna Regency based on parameters, namely level of slope, lithology, soil type, rainfall, and level of flood vulnerability. This research was carried out in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, for four months, from February to May 2023. The data collected consisted of secondary data obtained from agencies related to this research and primary data obtained through surveys and direct observation by taking coordinate points for each parameter observed with the help of GPS. The data analysis technique uses overlay analysis, namely overlapping land potential index parameter maps using ArcMap software. The research results show that the area of agricultural land in Muna Regency is 205,769 hectares, distributed over three land potential index classes, namely, the medium land potential class with 50,538 hectares, or 24.6%. second: low land potential class covering 149,345 hectares, or 72.6%; and third: very low land potential class covering 5,886 hectares, or 2.9%. Based on this percentage data, the potential for land for agricultural development in Muna Regency is in the medium potential category. Thus, the actions or solutions needed to increase agricultural productivity are (a) spatial planning of conservation farming systems; (b) development of crop and livestock integration; and (c) location-specific commodity selection.