21 2 22 42is increasingly recognized as the "international language of science," due to the challenge of 43 language segmentation limiting broader understanding of global scholarship whenever possible, 3 44 future reviews should be jointly conducted in both English and non-English languages. 45 46 47 7 to the formulation, implementation, and improvement of climate change adaptation practices, policies, and/or strategies associated with the agricultural sector worldwide.
Study subject -farmers and stakeholders similar to farmers (farmer) excludedThese studies focused on farmers but were not associated with both climate change and adaptation. Examples included some empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical discussions, and methodological/modelling development and/or improvements. Articles that applied non-primary (stimulated, predicted, assumed, etc.) data associated with farmers into assessments of climate change adaptation practices were also excluded in this category.
Study subject -non-farmer-related excluded (non-farmer)
Human system -managed natural systems excludedStudies focusing on managed natural systems that had identified ecosystem functions or that provided different types of ecosystem services were excluded in this category.
Human system -climate change impact/risk/uncertainty excludedThese studies only focused on potential impacts/risks/uncertainties of climate change in the past, present, or future. This category summarizes studies that reported/reviewed/discussed climate change impacts on natural systems that affect agriculture/aquaculture/livestock husbandry/forestry production.
Human system -adaptation action/policy/strategy excludedArticles introducing/reporting/reviewing/summarizing/discussing/assessing climate change adaptation practices (action, policy, strategy, etc.) associated with the agricultural sector worldwide were excluded.
ExcludedHuman system -conceptual, theoretical and methodological approaches 8 excluded Research papers that reported and/or discussed concepts/theories associated with climate change adaptation, as well as those with methods/models that are used to predict/assess/evaluate climate change adaptation practices, were excluded.
Human system -vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity excludedStudies that assessed vulnerability to climate change in a particular agricultural system were excluded. The assessments were based on various factors (environmental, socio-economic technological, etc.). This category of studies also includes assessments of resilience and adaptive capacity. Note that none of the studies within this classification assessed the vulnerability of farmers or those similar to farmers.
Study subject -natural systems excludedAny study that only focused on the effects of climate change on natural systems was excluded. These systems cover the biological (flora and fauna) and the physical (climate, land, soil, water, etc.) systems [67]. The impacts, risks, uncertainty, and vulnerability of natural systems are all excluded in this category...