Although medieval rentals have been extensively studied, few scholars have used them to analyse variations in the rents paid on individual properties within a town. It has been claimed that medieval rents did not reflect economic values or market forces, but were set according to social and political rather than economic criteria, and remained ossified at customary levels. This article uses hedonic regression methods to test whether property rents in medieval Gloucester were influenced by classic economic factors such as the location and use of a property. It investigates both ordinary commercial rents and burgage rents (landgable), and explores the relationship between the two. It also examines spatial autocorrelation. It finds significant relationships between ordinary rents and property characteristics that are similar to those found in modern studies. The findings are consistent with the view that, in late medieval Gloucester at least, ordinary rents were strongly influenced by classical economic factors working through the urban property market. The findings also suggest that burgage rents reflected economic factors, even though they remained fixed over time.T he operation of medieval property markets is an important topic. Information on urban rents can provide insights into important issues such as the nature and extent of urban development, the role of institutions, and the concentration of urban wealth. Historians have recognized the benefits of combining documentary and archaeological evidence in order to enhance their understanding of this topic. 1 There has, however, been relatively little statistical analysis of the level at which medieval urban rents were set. This is in contrast to research on agricultural rents, for which indices of agricultural rents have been created and analysed over time and across regions. 2 Data limitations have been an important constraint on statistical research into rents. Statistical techniques require detailed sources that afford a reasonably comprehensive coverage of a large number of properties and provide relevant details on each property. For some towns no records survive at all, and where they do there is insufficient detail to explain the variation of rents across properties. Even where records do survive, the information they give can vary in quality. Rent rolls, which were usually compiled by civic authorities or other institutions, often