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취약계층 임산부·어머니·영유아 대상 방문건강관리서비스에 대한 통합적 문헌고찰 김다솜 · 이인숙
서울대학교 간호대학
An Integrative Review of Home Care Service for Pregnant Women, Mothers, Infants, and Toddlers in Vulnerable GroupKim, Dasom · Lee, InsookCollege of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Purpose: This study was intended to integrate the evidence of home care service intervention for mothers and children in vulnerable groups through an integrative literature review. Methods: We searched the MEDLINE (PubMED), EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CINAHL, DBpia databases. The quality of the articles was assessed by one doctoral researcher and verified by one professor of community health nursing who had participated in the systematic review of literature. A framework was developed to identify the intervention patterns in the selected papers and categorize various elements. The extracted intervention elements were grouped into potential themes, which were verified by assessors on whether they clearly reflected the interventions in the papers. Results: Among 878 searched papers, we selected 16 papers after excluding literature that does not satisfy the selection criteria and quality evaluation. The intervention elements of 16 selected papers were categorized into six themes. The extracted intervention elements were divided into the themes of Patient-specific/Situation-specific care planning and intervention, Emphasis on self care competency, Intense home visit by developmental milestone, Reinforcing and modeling motherchild attachment, Communication and interaction across the intervention, Linkage with community resource and multidisciplinary approach. Conclusion: As a result of the analysis of proper interventions of home care services for mothers and children in vulnerable groups, it was found that it is necessary to consider indispensable intervention elements that can standardize the quality of home care services, and conduct studies on developing intervention programs based on the elements.