We show that, for 200 fs light pulses at 790 nm, the formation of filaments is strongly affected by the laser light polarization . Filamentation does not exist for a pure circularly polarized light, propagating in vacuum before focusing in air, while there is no difference for focusing the light in air or vacuum for linearly polarized light.PACS numbers: 42.65.Jx Beam trapping, self-focusing and defocusing; self-phase modulation, 42.25.Ja Polarization, 32.80.Fb Photoionization of atoms and ions For a laser beam of sufficient intensity, air itself is a nonlinear medium, having a complex intensity dependent index of refraction, nonlinear absorption, induced birefringence, and becoming a partially conductive medium. These properties lead to light filamentation, a situation where the nonlinear properties of air determine the propagation properties. While they have been investigated since their discovery in 1995 both in the IR [1] and the UV [2], their formation and nature are still the object of controversy [3,4].In strong field ionization the light polarization had been extensively investigated [5] and used to control recollision of the electron [6,7]. Recently [8] detailed measurements of current in argon and nitrogen at filament intensities showed a strong dependence on light polarization. Measurement presented here demonstrate the effect of light polarization in filament formation. This effect has not been clearly investigated previously, because of the difficulty in 1) ascertaining that the beam has the expected polarization at the point where filamentation starts [9] and 2) making polarization measurements of a high intensity filament. These difficulties relate to the fact that the filamentation study is not a chamber study like most of the strong field light-matter interactions. Although there had been evidence of polarization deformation of high intensity beam propagating in air [9], filaments are prepared over a long propagation distance in gases. In order to have a clear starting point and a well defined initial condition for the filament, we use an aerodynamic window to prepare the filament in vacuum before launching it in air. By focusing the beam in vacuum to the filament size, all pre-filament nonlinear effects are eliminated [10]. Given such initial condition no filament is generated with circularly polarized light prepared in vacuum, while filaments are observed with the same circularly polarized beam propagating in air in the pre-filamentation stage. For the linearly polarized light filaments persist in both cases of pre-propagation in air and vacuum, with filaments prepared in vacuum having 20 percent longer length.An infrared filament is an ideal object to study strong field light-matter interaction, in which light and matter have a mutual recordable effect on each other, resulting in a confinement of a laser beam in a few hundred micron diameter channel, over distance, in excess of the Rayleigh range for that beam size.For the few hundred fs long pulses intense enough to create a filament in air,...