Project 20171821: Evaluación de la gestión del agua potable en México: retos y oportunidades.
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About the authorHe holds a PhD in Administrative Sciences from Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA-STO. TOMÁS), Master in Administration and Industrial Management by Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas (UPIICSA). All his training was at Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN).Its scientific production includes scientific papers published in national and international indexed journals and participations in national and international congresses. He also has several recognitions and distinctions, highlighting, at the doctoral level, in the branch of Social and Administrative Sciences of IPN, Lázaro Cárdenas Medal given by the president of Mexico in 2015, the award for the best PhD thesis and the award for best performance. In addition, he is a member of the National System of Investigators of Mexico (SNI).
AbstractEnvironmental governance in Mexico is an unfolding phenomenon whereby the state, especially in the areas of water and air governance, seeks to safeguard its environmental largesse for posterity. There is a sense that a wide variance exists between various Mexican states in the area of enforcement and statutory comprehensiveness (vis-a-vis governance in the air and water sectors), and the data does reveal that many Mexican states are impoverished, already hampered by poor infrastructure and a depleted bureaucracy, and faced with choosing between the natural environment or extractive (or tourism) industries upon which they rely heavily. There are no easy answers, but greater cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary coordination -the type that allows resources to be leveraged and complementarities exploited -might be part of the solution.Key words: air; architecture; collaboration; environmental domain; environmental governance; statutes; sustainability; water.
ResumenLa gobernanza ambiental en México es un fenómeno en el que el Estado, especialmente en las áreas de gobernabilidad del agua y el aire, busca salvaguardar su generosidad ambiental para la posteridad. Existe la sensación de que existe una amplia varianza entre varios estados mexicanos en el área de cumplimiento y exhaustividad legal (frente a la gobernanza en los sectores de aire y agua), y los datos revelan que muchos estados mexicanos están empobrecidos, ya obstaculizados por una infraestructura deficiente y una burocracia agotada, y frente a la elección entre el medio ambiente natural o las industrias extractivas (o turísticas) en las que dependen en gran medida. No hay respuestas fáciles, pero una mayor coordinación intersectorial y multidisciplinaria -del tipo que permite aprovechar los recursos y complementariedades explotadas-podría ser parte de la solución.