Abstract. Aeolus, launched on 22 August in 2018, is the
first ever satellite to directly observe wind information from the surface
up to 30 km on a global scale. An airborne prototype instrument called ALADIN airborne
demonstrator (A2D) was developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for
validating the Aeolus measurement principle based on realistic atmospheric
signals. To obtain accurate wind retrievals, the A2D uses a measured
Rayleigh response calibration (MRRC) to calibrate its Rayleigh channel
signals. However, differences exist between the respective atmospheric
temperature profiles that are present during the conduction of the MRRC and
the actual wind measurements. These differences are an important source of
wind bias since the atmospheric temperature has a direct effect on the
instrument response calibration. Furthermore, some experimental limitations
and requirements need to be considered carefully to achieve a reliable MRRC.
The atmospheric and instrumental variability thus currently limit the
reliability and repeatability of a MRRC. In this paper, a procedure for a
simulated Rayleigh response calibration (SRRC) is developed and presented in
order to resolve these limitations of the A2D MRRC. At first the
transmission functions of the A2D Rayleigh channel double-edge Fabry–Pérot
interferometers (FPIs) in the internal reference path and the atmospheric
path are characterized and optimized based on measurements performed during
different airborne and ground-based campaigns. The optimized FPI
transmission functions are then combined with the laser reference spectrum
and the temperature-dependent molecular Rayleigh backscatter spectrum to
derive an accurate A2D SRRC which can finally be implemented into the wind
retrieval. Using dropsonde data as a reference, a statistical analysis based
on a dataset from a flight campaign in 2016 reveals a bias and a standard
deviation of line-of-sight (LOS) wind speeds derived from a SRRC of only
0.05 and 2.52 m s−1, respectively. Compared to the result
derived from a MRRC with a bias of 0.23 m s−1 and a standard deviation
of 2.20 m s−1, the accuracy improved and the precision is considered
to be at the same level. Furthermore, it is shown that the SRRC allows for the
simulation of receiver responses over the whole altitude range from the
aircraft down to sea level, thus overcoming limitations due to high ground
elevation during the acquisition of an airborne instrument response