-In airlift reactors transport phenomena are achieved by pneumatic agitation and circulation occurs in a defined cyclic pattern through a loop. In the present work, the effect of geometrical relations on gas holdup and liquid velocity, and consequently on the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient, was studied in a 6-liter airlift bioreactor with A D /A R = 0.63; A D , downcomer cross-sectional area, and A R , riser cross-sectional area. Measurements of the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k L a) were taken in a water-air system using a modified sulfite oxidation method. Different conditions were examined by varying parameters such as superficial air velocity in the riser (U GR ), bottom clearance (d 1 ) and top clearance (d 2 ). It was observed from the experimental results that d 1 and d 2 have a remarkable effect on k L a values. The effect is due to their influence on gas holdup and liquid velocity, consequently affecting k L a. Superficial air velocity in the riser (U GR ) ranged from 0.0126 to 0.0440 m.s -1 and k L a varied between 40 to 250 h -1 , whereas gas holdup (ε) reached values up to 0.2. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k L a), gas holdup in the riser (ε R ) and downcomer (ε D ) and superficial liquid velocity in the riser (U LR ) for all the geometrical relations were successfully correlated with dimensionless numbers, namely, the Sherwood number (