Administration (NASA) are investigating scheduling algorithms that will be a part of an integrated arrival and departure management system. Inha University, one of the Korean collaborators of KARI, developed an Extended First-Come First-Served (EFCFS) algorithm that is robust and efficient. However, since the EFCFS algorithm sequentially computes the schedule based on priority, the end results may not be optimal for system efficiency. The approach based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) originally developed by NASA and modified by KARI is known to produce better schedules at the expense of computational cost. In this paper, the two different scheduling approaches are compared using common traffic scenarios and constraints at Incheon International Airport. Capabilities to apply weight class based wake turbulence runway separation minima and Miles-in-Trail (MIT) restrictions at selected meter fixes are added to the previously developed EFCFS scheduler. Based on historic data, 40 departures and 20 arrivals are chosen in a one-hour period and 100 scenarios were created by randomly assigning gate numbers, gate departure times, and runway landing times. With the current runway separation requirements, MILP resulted in about ten to twenty percent smaller average delays depending on the constraints. With artificially increased separation minima, the difference between MILP and EFCFS became more noticeable. However, the EFCFS was about ten times faster with smaller variations among different scenarios and constraints. The comparison suggests that the MILP-based algorithm has a small advantage at the current traffic level; however, has potential to be more effective in higher demand or severe weather situations. The EFCFS algorithm may be better suited for real-time applications or investigating larger scale scheduling problems.