. Frequency dependence of respiratory system mechanics during induced constriction in a murine model of asthma. J Appl Physiol 94: 245-252, 2003; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00593.2002.-Airway dysfunction in asthma is characterized by hyperresponsiveness, heterogeneously narrowed airways, and closure of airways. To test the hypothesis that airway constriction in ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized OVA-intranasally challenged (OVA/OVA) mice produces mechanical responses that are similar to those reported in asthmatic subjects, respiratory system resistance (Rrs) and elastance (Edyn,rs) spectra were obtained in OVA/OVA and control mice during intravenous methacholine (MCh) infusions. In control mice, MCh at 1,700 g ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ⅐ min Ϫ1 produced 1) a 495 and 928% increase of Rrs at 0.5 Hz and 19.75 Hz, respectively, 2) a 33% rise in Edyn,rs at 0.5 Hz, and 3) a mild frequency (f)-dependent increase of Edyn,rs. The same MCh dose in OVA/OVA mice produced 1) elevations of Rrs at 0.5 Hz and 19.75 Hz of 1,792 and 774%, respectively, 2) a 390% rise in Edyn,rs at 0.5 Hz, and 3) marked f-dependent increases of Edyn,rs. During constriction, the f dependence of mechanics in control mice was consistent with homogeneous airway narrowing; however, in OVA/OVA mice, f dependence was characteristic of heterogeneously narrowed airways, closure of airways, and airway shunting. These mechanisms amplify the pulmonary mechanical responses to constrictor stimuli at physiological breathing rates and have important roles in the pathophysiology of human asthma. airway closure; resistance; elastance; airway hyperresponsiveness AIRWAY NARROWING IS A MAJOR abnormality in the mechanism of diseases affecting pediatric and adult patients. Reductions in airway diameters can be predominately homogeneous or heterogeneous in nature; i.e., decreases in airway diameters can display a minimal or a large variability throughout the airway tree, respectively (5, 14). These categories of airway constriction bring about distinct patterns of frequency-dependent variations of lung mechanics. For example, homogeneously narrowed airways produce increases in lung resistance (RL) at physiological breathing rates that are commensurate to those of RL at high frequencies (5, 14). In contrast, heterogeneous airway narrowing is associated with increases of RL at physiological breathing rates that exceed those of RL at high frequencies (5, 14). Furthermore, a large variability in the reduction of airway caliber is more likely to produce closure of airways, which enhances the magnitude of dynamic lung elastance (Edyn,L) and may impair gas exchange.Pulmonary resistance and Edyn,L spectra obtained in subjects with severe asthma during periods of clinical stability and in subjects with mild or moderately severe asthma during agonist-induced constriction are consistent with a pattern of severe and heterogeneous airway constriction and closure of airways (11,12,15). These manifestations of airway dysfunction are of paramount clinical importance because marked elevations of RL and Edyn,L at phys...