A defi ning characteristic of COPD is expiratory airfl ow limitation due to intrinsic remodeling of the small airways and their dynamic collapse during forced exhalation. 1 In a normal lung, infl ation results in a predictable increase in airway caliber because of the interdependence of parenchyma and airways (the relative change in airway diameter is linearly related with the cube root of lung volume). 2 Emphysema alters this relationship by disrupting airway-parenchymal interdependence. Early work in small animals demonstrated that methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction was increased in elastase models of emphysema, 3 suggesting that the bronchoconstrictive effect of airway smooth muscle activation is opposed by the Background: An increase in airway caliber (airway distensibility) with lung infl ation is attenuated in COPD. Furthermore, some subjects have a decrease in airway caliber with lung infl ation. We aimed to test the hypothesis that airway caliber increases are lower in subjects with emphysemapredominant (EP) compared with airway-predominant (AP) CT scan subtypes. Additionally, we compared clinical and CT scan features of subjects with (airway constrictors) and without a decrease in airway caliber. Methods: Based on GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) stages and CT scan subtypes, we created a control group (n 5 46) and the following matched COPD groups (n 5 23 each): GOLD-2-AP, GOLD-2-EP, GOLD-4-AP, and GOLD-4-EP. From the CT scans of all 138 subjects, we measured emphysema, lung volumes, and caliber changes in the third and fourth airway generations of two bronchi. We expressed airway distensibility (ratio of airway lumen diameter change to lung volume change from end tidal breathing to full inspiration) as a global or lobar measure based on normalization by whole-lung or lobar volume changes. Results: Global distensibility in the third and fourth airway generations was signifi cantly lower in the GOLD-2-EP and GOLD-4-EP groups than in control subjects. In GOLD-2 subjects, lobar distensibility of the right-upper-lobe fourth airway generation was signifi cantly lower in those with EP than in those with AP. In multivariate analysis, emphysema was an independent determinant of global and lobar airway distensibility. Compared with nonconstrictors, airway constrictors experienced more dyspnea, were more hyperinfl ated, and had a higher percentage of emphysema. Conclusions: Distensibility of large-to medium-sized airways is reduced in subjects with an EP CT scan subtype. Emphysema seems to alter airway-parenchyma interdependence.