Airway closure has important implications for lung disease, especially asthma; in particular, the prospect of bistability between open and closed (or effectively closed) airway states has been thought to play a prominent role in airway closure associated with the formation of clustered ventilation defects in asthma. However, many existing analyses of closure consider only static airway equilibria; here we construct, to our knowledge, a new model wherein airway narrowing and closure dynamics are modulated by coupling the airway to cross-bridge models of airway smooth muscle dynamics and force generation. Using this model, we show that important qualitative features of airway pressure-radius hysteresis loops are highly dependent on both airway smooth muscle dynamics, and the length-tension relationship. Furthermore, we show that two recent experimental results from intact bronchial segments are both expressions of the same phenomenon: that a monotonically increasing lengthtension relationship, with sharply higher tension at longer lengths, is needed to drive the observed changes in low-compliance regions of the baseline pressure-radius curve. We also explore the potential implications of this finding for airway closure in coupled airway models.