The following Henry's law constants (K H/mol 2 kg -2atm -I ) for HNO 3 and the hydrohalic acids have been evaluated from available partial pressure and other thermodynamic data from 0°-40 °C, I atm total pressure: HN03, 40 °C -5.85 x 105; 30 °C -1.50x 106; 25 *C -2.45 x 106; 20 °C -4.04 x l06 ; 10 °C -1.15 X 10 7 ; 0 °C -3.41 x 10 7. HF, 40 °C -3.2; 30 °C -6.6; 25 °C -9.61; 20 °C -14.0; l0 °C -32.0; 0 °C -76. HCI, 40 °C -4.66 x l05 ; 30 °C -1.23 x l06 ; 25 °C -2.04 x 106 ; 20 °C -3.37 x l06 ; l0 "C -9.71 x l06 ; 0 °C -2.95 x 107 . HBr, 40 °C -2.5 x 108 ; 30 °C -7.5 x l08 ; 25°C-1.32x109;200C-2.37x109;10.C-8.10xl09;0°C-3.0xl0 l°. HI, 40 .C -5.2 x108 ; 300C-1.5x109;25°C-2.5X109;20°C-4.5x109;10°C-l.5xl0m;0°C-5.0xl0re.Simple equilibrium models suggest that HNO 3, CH3SO3H and other acids up to 10x less soluble than HCl displace it from marine seasalt aerosols. HF is displaced preferentially to HCI by dissolved acidity at all relative humidities greater than about 80%, and should be entirely depleted in aged marine aerosols.