In Staphylococcus aureus, the transport of dicarboxylates is mediated in part by the Na ؉ -linked carrier protein SdcS. This transporter is a member of the divalent-anion/Na ؉ symporter (DASS) family, a group that includes the mammalian Na ؉ /dicarboxylate cotransporters NaDC1 and NaDC3. In earlier work, we cloned and expressed SdcS in Escherichia coli and found it to have transport properties similar to those of its eukaryotic counterparts (J. A. Hall and A. M. Pajor, J. Bacteriol. 187:5189-5194, 2005). Here, we report the partial purification and subsequent reconstitution of functional SdcS into liposomes. These proteoliposomes exhibited succinate counterflow activity, as well as Na ؉ electrochemical-gradient-driven transport. Examination of substrate specificity indicated that the minimal requirement necessary for transport was a four-carbon terminal dicarboxylate backbone and that productive substrate-transporter interaction was sensitive to substitutions at the substrate C-2 and C-3 positions. Further analysis established that SdcS facilitates an electroneutral symport reaction having a 2:1 cation/dicarboxylate ratio. This study represents the first characterization of a reconstituted Na ؉ -coupled DASS family member, thus providing an effective method to evaluate functional, as well as structural, aspects of DASS transporters in a system free of the complexities and constraints associated with native membrane environments.The divalent-anion/Na ϩ symporter (DASS) family is an evolutionarily related collection of secondary active-transport systems having representation in all three kingdoms of life (23,28,30,33). Members of this group (also referred to as the SLC13 gene family in the human gene nomenclature) couple the movement of Na ϩ down its electrochemical gradient to the accumulation of a variety of dicarboxylates and inorganic anions. In higher organisms, such action provides a means to regulate the extracellular concentrations of these substrates, and in certain instances, transporter malfunction can lead to a variety of disorders that include growth retardation, life span alteration, and the development of kidney stones (9,14,20,23,28,30,36). However, despite their physiological importance, a detailed understanding of the DASS family members has been hampered by the inability to analyze their mechanistic and structural properties in a system not restricted by the complexities of their native environments.The reconstitution of purified transport proteins has served as a valuable technique in the elucidation of their structures and functions (1,7,35,41). We previously cloned and functionally expressed SdcS, a Na ϩ -coupled dicarboxylate transporter from Staphylococcus aureus, and found it to exhibit many of the traits characteristic of mammalian DASS transporters (12). In work described here, we have partially purified and reconstituted this carrier protein into proteoliposomes in order to examine its transport properties in a cell-free system. Our analysis of reconstituted SdcS not only confirmed its ...