In weightlifting, throughout its existence, the search for optimal methods of organizing the training process is underway. In their works, researchers emphasize the importance of load distribution in annual periods, mesocycles, and microcycles. The aim of this study was to improve the training process of highly qualified weightlifters based on the application of diverse variations of load in intensity zones for the main groups of exercises in the microcycles of the competitive mesocycle. Working on the article, the authors analyzed scientific and methodological literature on the topic. The obtained data became the basis for the development of two options of a program for training weightlifters in a 4-week competitive mesocycle. The developed program was tested experimentally. In the course of the experiment, two equal experimental groups of eight people in each were formed from weightlifters with the qualification of master of sports of Russia. During the experiment, athletes of both groups performed the same amount of training load: 1608 NBL (number of barbell lifts). The load distribution for microcycles within the competition mesocycle was also the same for all athletes. The sequence of microcycles was as follows: recovery microcycle (340 NBL) → shock microcycle (603 NBL); → basic microcycle (483 NBL) → competitive microcycle (182 NBL). The authors assumed that with the same total load volumes and the identical sequence of types of microcycles in experimental groups, the variable distribution of load by intensity zones and main groups of exercises within individual microcycles of the competition mesocycle would allow achieving an increase in the result at competitions. The end of the experiment was the performance of athletes at all-Russian competitions. Athletes of Group 1 were able to improve the result in the total of the double event by 5.6 kg. Athletes of Group 2 showed a negative dynamics of results in the double event by 1.9 kg. The results of the study show that the increase in NBL in classical exercises by 8.5 % per month (competitive mesocycle) with a similar reduction in the load in special training exercises allows improving weightlifters’ competitive result without increasing the total amount of load under the following conditions: load in the snatch and jerk exercises in the intensity zones of 81–100% should increase by 40% per month; load reduction in pull exercises and barbell squats should be distributed relatively evenly across all applied intensity zones; load distribution by microcycles inside the competition mesocycle should follow the scheme: recovery → shock → basic → competitive; the greatest variations of load in classical and special preparatory exercises should be applied in the shock microcycle.