“…Known Oil and Gas Accumulations, Selected Dry Holes and Suspended Wells, and NPRA-ANWR Boundaries, North Slope, Alaska (Thomas et al, 1991) Western North Slope Stratigraphic Column with Kuparuk River Interval Highlighted (Bird, 1987) Lower Cretaceous Unconformity (LCU) Cutting Across the Kuparuk River Formation (Gaynor and Scheihing, 1989) Gwydyr Bay Base Map Showing Cross Section B-B' (adapted from Thomas et al, 1993) Kuparuk Reserves at Gwydyr Bay (Thomas et al, 1993) Cross Section Across Gwydyr Bay Illustrating Possible OilTrapping Structure (Thomas et al, 1993) Base Map Showing Niakuk Field Location (from Thomas et al, 1993 Niakuk Field Well Locations with Cross Section C-C' Highlighted (adapted from Thomas et al, 1993) Other hydrocarbon-bearing formations at Prudhoe Bay include the Triassic Shublik and Sag River formations, both of which overlie the Sadlerochit group.…”