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AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank)2. REPORT DATE December, 1998 3. Rl
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)The United States Air Force Summer Research Program (USAF-SRP) is designed to introduce university, college, and technical institute faculty members, graduate students, and high school students to Air Force research. This is accomplished by the faculty members (Summer Faculty Research Program, (SFRP)), graduate students (Graduate Student Research Program (GSRP)), and high school students (High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)) being selected on a nationally advertised competitive basis during the summer intersession period to perform research at Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Technical Directorates, Air Force Air Logistics Centers (ALC), and other AF Laboratories. This volume consists of a program overview, program management statistics, and the final technical reports from the SFRP participants at the Armstrong Laboratory.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SF 298The Report Documentation Page (RDP) is used in announcing and cataloging reports. It is important that this information be consistent with the rest of the report, particularly the cover and title page. Instructions for filling in each block of the form follow. It is important to stay within the lines to meet optical scanning requirements.
Block 1. Agency Use Only (Leave blank).Block 2. Report Date. Full publication date including day, month, and year, if available (e.g. 1 Jan 88). Must cite at least the year.Block 3. Type of Report and Dates Covered. State whether report is interim, final, etc. If applicable, enter inclusive report dates (e.g. 10Jun87-30Jun88).Block 4. Title and Subtitle. A title is taken from the part of the report that provides the most meaningful and complete information. When a report is prepared in more than one volume, repeat the primary title, add volume number, and include subtitle for the specific volume. On classified documents enter the title classification in parentheses.Block 5. Funding Numbers. To include contract and grant numbers; may include program element number(s), project number(s), task number(s), and work unit number(s). Use the following labels:Block 6. Author(s). Name(s) of person(s) responsible for writing the report, performing the research, or credited with the content of the report. If editor or compiler, this should follow the name(s).Block 7. Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es). Self-explanatory.Block 8. Performing Organization Report Number. Enter the unique alphanumeric report number(s) assigned by the organization performing the report.Blo...