“…Aside from conventional spectral analysis, Laufer et al (1976), Gallagher (1982), Petitjean et al (2006) and Veitin et al (2011) studied the temporal characteristics of the acoustic pressure waveform in a laboratory (rangerestricted) environment while Gee et al (2008) focused on the nonlinear propagation effects of a full-scale static jet engine and compared the experimental data successfully to a numerical model based on the generalized Burgers equation. Some of the more relevant numerical studies include the large-eddy simulation of an overexpanded Mach 3.3 jet by de Cacqueray et al (20116) as well as the frequency-domain algorithm for simulating nonlinear noise propagation by Saxena et al (2009). Where the development of robust acoustic analogies are concerned, one may wish to review the work of Morris & Farassat (2002), Tarn et al (2008), Tam (2009) and .…”