“…The result was an online drama series that followed a cast of teenage characters at Hartvig Nissen High School in Oslo, as they navigate life at home and school. According to Andem, the concept used elements from television drama, sitcom and soap opera to tell its stories (quoted in Faldalen, 2016), thus combining a ‘complex TV’ narratology (Mittell, 2015) with humour and daily cliff-hangers (see Haastrup, 2018; Krüger and Rustad, 2019; Lindtner and Dahl, 2019 for analyses of SKAM ’s aesthetic strategies). Each season centres on a different main character told in the first person, which in turn helped the series to supply a range of possible identification positions and, furthermore, develop different main character stories across seasons (see also Jerslev, 2016; Sundet, 2017b): in season one, Eva (Lisa Teige) begins high school while feeling guilty about a lost friendship; she has to navigate new social hierarchies while wondering about her boyfriend Jonas’s (Marlon Langeland) commitment to her.…”