“…Summary of triterpenes isolated from saponins (glycosides) from stems of Pachycereeae. Unless indicated by a footnote, reports are cited in Djerassi (1957 & Schubert, 1961); gigantine (Hodgkins et al, 1967;Agurell, 1969), an isomer of pellotine (Brown et al, 1968), and salsolidine (Bruhn et al, 1970) in C. gigantea; anhalonidine in Pachycereus weberi (Djerassi et al, 1954); and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenethylamine in P. pecten-aboriginum (Agurell et al, 1971). Dopamine, the precursor of these alkaloids, occurs at high concentrations in C. gigantea (Steelink et al, 1967) and Pachycereus hollianus (Sa'nchez Mejorada, pers.…”