The s t r u c t~~r e s of three new allcaloids fro111 the seeds of A. fendleri have been elucidated and two of the bases have been converted into aspidolimidine. A fourth base has been shown to be present in small anlouilts but its nature remains unknown.Extraction of the seeds of the Venezuelail tree Aspidosperma fefzdleri (I) has yielded four alkaloids, of which fendlerine, CnaHaoNsOa, is the most abundant; this alkaloid is also found in large quantities in the trunlc and root bark. The structures of fendlerine and the minor base fendleridine have been discussed in preliininary reports (2, 3).Fendleridine, CI9HnaN20, is the simplest of the bases present and, on the basis of its ultraviolet spectrum, belongs to the unsubstituted dihydroindole group of allialoids. T h e infrared spectrum reveals peaks characterizing the dihydroindole imino group and the aromatic ring but gives no information concerning the nature of the oxygen atom, which is probably ethereal. The nuclear inagiletic resonance spectrum confirms the presence of four aromatic protons (multiplet: 6.55 to 7.50 6), but absorption typical of olefinic protons and of methyl groupings of any type is absent. A two-proton quartet (centered a t 3.98 6), which has also been observed in other dihydroindolic aspidosperma allialoids, has been shown to be characteristic of the -0-CI-12-grouping as found in aspidoalbine (V) (4) and aspidoliinidine (IV) (5). This region of the nuclear nlagnetic resonance spectrum of fcndleridine is striliingly similar to that of 0-nlethyl-N-despr~pion~laspidoalbine (6)(except for the methoxyl bands in the latter). A plausible structure for fendleridine is that sho~vn by I ; this is supported by the mass spectron~etric fragmentation pattern (Fig. I).Confirination of the analytical figures was shown by the molecular ion pealc a t 296 m / e ; the typical aspidosperlnine type RI-28 pealc (a) arising from the loss of ethylene is also present. Rupture of the C-10-C-11 bond (at x in a) gives rise to fragment b, which is responsible for the base peak a t 138 m/e. This fragment has also been observed in the 'Present address: Chenlistry Deparl,ne,lt, Latlal Unioersity, Quebec 10, Q~iebec.