Remarkable simplification arises from considering vortex equations in the large winding limit. This was recently used [1] to display all sorts of vortex zeromodes, the orientational, translational, fermionic as well as semi-local, and to relate them to the apparently distinct phenomena of the Nielsen-Olesen-Ambjorn magnetic instabilities. Here we extend these analyses to more general types of BPS nonAbelian vortices, taking as a prototype a system with gauged U 0 (1) × SU ℓ (N ) × SU r (N ) symmetry where the VEV of charged scalar fields in the bifundamental representation breaks the symmetry to SU(N ) ℓ+r . The presence of the massless SU(N ) ℓ+r gauge fields in 4D bulk introduces all sorts of nonlocal, topological phenomena such as the nonAbelian Aharonov-Bohm effects, which in the theory with global SU r (N ) group (g r = 0) are washed away by the strongly fluctuating orientational zeromodes in the worldsheet. Physics changes qualitatively at the moment the right gauge coupling constant g r is turned on.