We present a novel optical device based on an integrated system of micro-lenses and single mode optical fibers. It allows to collect and direct into many modes two photons generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion. By this device multiqubit entangled states and/or multilevel qu-dit states of two photons, encoded in the longitudinal momentum degree of freedom, are created. The multi-path photon entanglement realized by this device is expected to find important applications in modern quantum information technology. Entangling two photons in a high-dimension Hilbert space allows the realization of important quantum information tasks. These deal with a complete analysis of Bell states [1,2,3] and novel protocols of superdense coding [4], the possibility to perform secure quantum cryptography [5,6] and a fast, high-fidelity one-way quantum computation [7], [8,9,10,11], besides the realization of novel quantum nonlocality tests [12,13,14,15].Multidimensional entangled states of two photons have been realized by engineering both qu-dit states and hyperentangled (HE) states. In the former each particle belongs to a d-level quantum system, in the latter the particles are entangled in more than one degree of freedom (DOF). Since a qu-dit, with d = 2 N , is equivalent to N qubits, two-entangled qu-dits are equivalent to the HE state of two particles entangled in N DOFs. Polarization, time bin and spatial entanglement have been adopted to create qu-dits with d = 3 [6,16], d = 4 [17] and d = 8 [18]. At the same time, HE states have been realized by using in different ways polarization, longitudinal momentum and orbital angular momentum, besides time-bin entanglement [1,19,20,21,22].In this paper we present the first experimental realization of a quantum state of two photons entangled in many optical paths. It is based on the spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) emission of a Type I phase-matched nonlinear (NL) crystal operating under the excitation of a continuous wave (cw) laser at wavelength (wl) 位 p . In these conditions, the degenerate signal (s) and idler (i) photons, are generated with uniform probability distribution, at wl 位 s = 位 i = 2位 p , over a continuum of correlated k-modes belonging to the lateral surface of a cone. Usually, no more than two correlated spatial modes are used in experiments based on Type I crystals, hence the main part of SPDC radiation is lost. By exploiting the continuum of k-mode emission of Type * URL: http://quantumoptics.phys.uniroma1.it/ I crystals, high-dimension entangled states can be created [23]. Indeed, a very large number of qubits are in principle available by this geometry. However, a successfull realization of this idea strongly depends on the possibility to overcome the practical difficulties represented by independently collecting and manipulating the SPDC radiation belonging to a large number of k-modes.By the device realized in this experiment, photon pairs travelling along a large number of k-modes are efficiently coupled into a bundle of single mode opt...